Advice & advocacy

Bridging the world of ideas and action, the IEA translates academic research and analysis on policy issues into more practical information, and makes recommendations for policy makers. Over the years our professional, robust and impartial work has earned us a strong reputation as a leader and facilitator in policy debates.

Through a series of policy fora and roundtable discussions, the IEA brings together a diverse range of stakeholders (Parliamentarians, Ministers of State, Business Leaders, Representatives of Donor Countries, Academics and Civil Society) to deliberate on policy issues of national significance. These have included the Ghana Political Parties Program (GPPP) and West African Regional Program for Political Parties (WARPPP).

We have developed a long and proud tradition in engaging directly with the key players in Ghana to promote good governance and have been active, through a range of programmes, in ensuring that Ghana’s elections are transparent and involve a robust debate on policy issues.

Some of our key achievements in policy advice and advocacy have been:

  • In 2012, The Presidential Transition Bill, drafted by The IEA as part of the GPPP, was passed by Parliament
  • In 2011, The Petroleum Revenue Management Act, which was prepared with significant input from the IEA, setting out the framework for the management of Ghana’s oil and gas revenues, was passed by Parliament.
  • In 2008, The IEA organised the first ever debate between Vice-Presidential candidates, as well as the first Presidential debate to include representatives from all political parties with parliamentary representation.
  • In 2008, the Public Funding of Political Parties Bill and the Political Parties Bill were passed in parliament; both drafted by the IEA.
  • In 2003, Cabinet approved the Whistle Blowers Bill and the Right to Information Bill, which originated from the Institute. The Whistle Blowers Bill was passed into law in 2006 by Parliament.
  • In 2001, The IEA won the campaign against the Criminal Libel Law, after persistent advocacy for its repeal.

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