Research & Analysis
Economic research at the IEA in the ensuing years will continue to address the fundamental issues relating to:
- Macroeconomic Issues and Policy Framework
- The Real Sector of the Economy: GDP growth
- The External Sector and Issues of Diversification
- Natural Resource Management: Oil and Gas
- Financial Management
- Governance Institutions
In research and analysis, IEA seeks to promote and engage in robust debate on key economic policy issues confronting Ghana and Africa as a whole. Our areas of focus include:
- Economic Growth and Employment
- Fiscal Regimes in the Mining Industry
- Governance and Efficiency in the Oil and Gas Sector
- Governance and Parliamentary Performance
- Promoting Effective Public Financial Management
- Legislative Issues
- National Development Planning and Sustainable Development
- Effects of Socio-Economic Activities on the Environment
- Promoting Evidence-based Socio-economic Policies
We translate academic research and analysis on selected policy issues into accessible and understandable information. We also undertake and analyse surveys to ensure that broader public opinion is taken into account in the policy development process. Surveys (and polls) are an important tool for gauging public opinion on national issues. In that sense, they contribute to the achievement of efficient economic management and democratic governance, tenets that we hold dear and seek to promote. Our regular publications include:
- Monographs: Issue specific publications on topics of national interest
- Ghana Policy Journal: The first internationally acclaimed policy journal of Ghana
- Governance Newsletter: An analysis of governance issues confronting Ghana and the region.
- Legislative Alert Series: Review and analysis of existing legislative policies and recommendations for change
- Policy Analysis: Critically examines pressing public policy issues and outlines reform proposals
- Public Opinion: The results and analysis of surveys are released through the IEA’s Public Opinion series.
- Occasional Papers: Analytical piece of research work providing detailed analysis and insight into specific governance/ economic issues.
- Annual Economic Review & Outlook Report: Insight and analysis of the state of the nation’s economy
- Conference Reports: Detailed reports on IEA conference programs
- Constitutional Review Series: A specialist series of articles by eminent scholars and practitioners addressing topical constitutional issues that have been raised as part of the Constitutional Review Process.
- Parliamentary Performance Review: An annual publication which monitors, assesses and reviews the performance of Parliament against its constitutional obligations
- Annual State of Governance Report: An annual report which compiles and analyses nationwide polls or surveys on key governance indicators
Our publications are written by an array of scholars of international repute and circulated to a cross-section of organisations and individuals including the Presidency, judiciary, legislature, policy makers, academics, the clergy, traditional rulers, students and the media.