International Recognition as a Thought Leader in Ghana and the Sub-region
From humble beginnings in 1989, the IEA has burgeoned into an internationally recognized thought leader in Ghana and West Africa. The Institute continues to play host to many influential leaders from around the world. These eminent visitors to The IEA seek an objective and analytical discussion on economic and governance issues and include sitting and former Presidents, Ministers of State, Members of Parliament, Kings and Queens and many other influential global leaders including: the King and Queen of the Netherlands, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima; President de Klerk of South Africa; President Sir Ketumile Masire of Botswana; President Kaspar Villiger of Switzerland; Sir Paul Collier, a renowned world-class Economist; Henry Bellingham, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK; Morgan Tsvangirai, former Prime Minister of Zimbabwe; President Chissano of Mozambique; Bono of U2; and Mr. Villy Sovndal, Danish Foreign Minister, among others.