Publications Archive – Academics

executive certificate programme (f).pdf
executive certificate programme (f).pdf

The Executive Certificate Programme in Economic Development Policy being organized by the Institute of Economic Affairs Ghana's goal is to provide executives, parliamentarians, public officials, and senior civil servants with a basic understanding of economic development policy issues they may encounter in their work.

The 13-week certificate program covers seven modules on key topics in economic policy, including measuring GDP, fiscal and monetary policy, international trade, economic transformation, natural resource management, and international economic institutions. It will be taught through lectures and roundtable discussions by renowned economists from Ghana and guest lecturers from abroad. Each module lasts two weeks and covers important concepts and challenges within the topic area, such as tax policy, government spending, inflation, exchange rates, intra-African trade, value addition to commodities, mining contracts, and the international economic system.

Upon completion, participants will be awarded an Executive Certificate in Economic Development Policy from the IEA to recognize gaining foundational knowledge about macroeconomic and development policies in Ghana.

8 Apr 2024 Download

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